Intranet Timeline

Select Year:
May 2019
Mayo Clinic guest lecturer Geoffrey Parker, Ph.D. introduces Mayo Clinic staff to platform thinking.
August 2019
Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees approves the 2030 Bold. Forward. strategy, led by Gianrico Farrugia, M.D., Mayo Clinic's president and CEO.
November 2020
Mayo Clinic Platform data analytics tools become available to Mayo Clinic researchers.
November 2020
Solution developer K Health uses Clinical Data Analytics Platform, the precursor to Mayo Clinic Platform_Discover, to enable virtual care.
May 2021
Mayo Clinic Care Network integrates with Mayo Clinic Platform in alignment with Bold. Forward.
May 2021
Mayo Clinic products are initially named Gather, Discover, Validate, and Deliver.
November 2021
Mayo Clinic Platform launches as an official sub-brand of Mayo Clinic.
July 2022
Inaugural Mayo Clinic Platform Conference hosted in Rochester with more than 225 attendees.
September 2023
The second Mayo Clinic Platform Conference takes place in Phoenix with industry leaders in attendance.