Digital Health Frontier Blog

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - We must make a serious commitment to increase financial resources and provide better analytics for real world evidence/real time data in support of public health.

By John Halamka • October 6, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - In addition to evaluating the safety of software as a medical device (SaMD), the agency needs to devote more resources to evaluating its efficacy and quality.

By John Halamka • September 30, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - By providing a safe, secure environment, novel approaches enable health care innovators to share data without opening the door to snoopers and thieves.

By John Halamka • September 9, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - The three risk assessment tools now in use fall far short. Using the latest deep learning techniques, investigators are developing more personalized ways to locate women at high risk.

By John Halamka • August 31, 2021

The evidence is mixed but suggests that these overlooked variables have a profound impact on each patient’s journey. 

By John Halamka • August 23, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - To convince physicians and nurses that deep learning algorithms are worth using in everyday practice, developers need to explain how they work in plain clinical English.

By John Halamka • August 17, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - Advances in artificial intelligence are slowly transforming the specialty, much the way radiology is being transformed by similar advances in digital technology.

By John Halamka • July 30, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - Dataset shift can thwart the best intentions of algorithm developers and tech-savvy clinicians, but there are solutions.

By John Halamka • July 28, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - A growing body of research suggests it’s time to abandon outdated ideas about how to identify effective medical therapies.

By John Halamka • July 23, 2021

By John Halamka and Paul Cerrato - Innovation in healthcare requires new ways to think about interdisciplinary solutions.

By John Halamka • July 19, 2021